Gary Andrews

This member started his long association with NYPEA as a groom for his lovely and talented daughter back in 1988. His chief job was holding her horse, getting her field boots on (and more painfully for him, getting them off), and making sure her horse’s tail was down before she entered the ring. He became a member of NYPEA and PHBA in 1990 and soon acquired other duties including youth advisor and treasurer, and unbeknownst to him at the time that meant youth show manager. He remained the Elmira show manager and later became “THE” show manager for NYPEA.
There is a tremendous amount of effort and stress that goes on behind the scenes in order to have any show, let alone on of NYPEA standards. Everything from ribbons to transportation of the judges must be arranged, checked and double checked. NYPEA recognizes and appreciates your person commitment. He was vice president in 1995-96 and became president of NYPEA in 1997 and 98. In 1992, he and his family, having Hoot Lane as their trainer, showed Quinarius Foxfire in halter and showmanship. In 1993 she was Hi-Pt 4 year old mare and he was reserve Hi-Pt Novice Amateur Showmanship. Quinarius Foxfire became a superior halter mare. (Then came Pinky) In 2009 he showed Lenas Shear Luck to the NYPEA Hi-PT longe line title and the 2009 NYPEA Futurity Longe Line Champion title. In 2010 she was the Champion Amateur mare.
He has donated his time and effort through Breez Teaz to order, engrave, and letter awards for the club, and other clubs. “Large enough to serve…; small enough to care…”
It was his hard work and effort that the Youth Scholarship came to be.
He was elected to represent NYPEA as a National Director in 1992 and became the committee chair for the Finance Committee in 2004. He still holds that chair today.
He finally was able to show his 3 year old, Lenas Shear Luck (or Coca Mocha as she’s affectionately referred to around the barn), after acquiring his own groom, who ironically is his daughter. His dedication to the breed runs so deep that his barn is filled with gold, all be it smutty at times, and he continues to look to promote the breed to ensure its survival.
This year we are proud to induct Gary Andrews, my dad, into the NYPEA Hall of Fame in recognition of his continued dedication to NYPEA, PHBA, its members, and the breed itself.