Our second inductee to the NY Hall of Fame is a lady who has led a very active life and still remains involved with her community. She does not know of this award. She thinks I called to talk to her the other day to ask how old she was. She is 75 and has some very interesting stories to tell. She has traveled to all 50 states. Was married to the same man for years. She was a teacher, taught 4 and 5 grades when she lived in Az. and physics in Tn. She was a palomino judge, owner, and exhibitor of palominos, including a Supreme Champion by the name of Ragtime Express. Who should have been named “Bruiser” for the bruises he would leave on her arm after a halter class. She doesn’t ride as much as she use to but can still get in the saddle to go trail riding. I have seen her show halter, color, trail, western pleasure, and games, mostly barrels. I always remember her exhibitor number to be 911. She has a wonderful sense of humor. She can’t stay out of trouble and those are her own words and will drag anyone along with her if she can. NYPEA recognizes the contributions you have made over these many years. You are a pleasure to know and I am proud to introduce to you, Gay Niehoff, a member of the NY Hall of Fame.