The 2007 NYPEA Hall of Fame Award inductee has passed away. Her memory and legacy live on through her children. She herself was an Amateur Supreme Champion and her youngest daughter just became an Amateur Supreme Champion. Both her son and daughter enjoy showing and are very active in their breed shows.
Does anyone know whom I am referring to yet? Does anyone here know of a mare by the name of Jetts Grit? Going through our old stallion reports of Jets Played First a lady by the name of Doreen Race-bred her mare, Jetts Grit, back in 1984. She foaled on April 1, 1985, a palomino filly, by the name of Savannah Cookie Reed. Cookie was bought by Suzanne Sprague as a yearling and most of us know the rest of the story. Our 2006 inductee is Savannah Cookie Reed.
Suzanne and Cookie showed AQHA and PHBA shows. They excelled in showmanship, trail, horsemanship, hunt seat equitation, road hack, and hunter hack. Cookie achieved her AQHA Amateur Performance ROM in 1993 at the young age of 8. Her PHBA achievements are numerous. Her PHBA performance points total 2,174. She achieved her Amateur Championship in 1992 and her Amateur Supreme Championship in 1993. For this accomplishment, she had superiors in western horsemanship, hunt seat equitation, road hack, trail, and showmanship, amateur ROMs in hunter under saddle, and western pleasure. I had forgotten Cookie jumped. She was 1st in the nation in hunter hack for both open and amateur in 1992. In 1993 Cookie was 4th in the nation as a top all-around amateur, placing 1st in hunter hack, 2nd in trail, 2nd in road hack, 3rd in showmanship, 4th in hunt seat equitation, and 7th in western horsemanship. She was also 3rd in the nation in open trail that year.
Cookie channeled her attention to becoming a mother in 1994. She was bred to Irresistabelle Zip, AQHA superior western pleasure son of Zippo Pine Bar, on 3 occasions. Zips Home Cookin, a palomino filly, was born in 1995. Zips A Cookin, a sorrel gelding, was born in 1997. And Zipsavannah Rose, a palomino filly, was born in 1998. Her 2 younger offspring are following in their mother’s footsteps.
Zips A Cookin, known to the rest of us as Buster, earned his open and amateur AQHA Performance ROM in 2004. Buster does his mother proud and is still going strong.
Zipsavannah Rose, known to us as Rose, does double duty in the show pen. Rose shows AQHA and PHBA. She has accumulated 85 AQHA amateur points, 47.5 novice amateur points, 11 Amateur All Arounds, and 18 open points. This year Rose was the 2006 High Point Amateur Western Horse for ESQHA, and High Point NYPEA All Around Sr. Horse. I know she has also held numerous other year-end titles, open and amateur, in NYPEA, ESQHA, and WNYQHC over the years. In PHBA she has 665 open points with ROMs in halter, western pleasure, longe line, trail, hunter under saddle, and road hack, with a superior in color. Rose earned her open championship in 2003. Rose, and Suzanne, shine in the amateur division by accumulating 1,498 points, with superiors in horsemanship, hunt seat equitation, hunter under saddle, color, trail, and showmanship. ROM’s in halter, and western pleasure, and she isn’t that far from her superiors in these events, 14 and 6 points. She does have 9 barrel racing points. Her mother had reining points so there must be a gene for some excitement in their makeup. Rose earned her PHBA Amateur Championship Award in 2002 and has just accomplished her Amateur Supreme Championship this year, 2006. Rose is the twinkle in her mother’s eye and is surpassing her mother’s dream for her.
But I think the greatest gift Cookie gave to us was introducing Suzanne to us and bringing her to the palomino family. Thank you Cookie for improving our lives in many ways.
In Loving Memory
Savannah Cookie Reed
April 30, 1985 – September 12, 2006
My “original” Palomino
2174 PHBA Points, an Amateur Supreme Championship, hundreds of shows, miles of travel, three beautiful foals, and twenty years of being my loyal friend.
I’m overwhelmed with gratitude that NYPEA has chosen Cookie as the 2006 Hall of Fame inductee. Words can’t express how much it means to me for my “once in a lifetime” horse to be honored with this distinguished award.
Our barn will never be the same.
We love and miss you every day.
How lucky I was to have you in my life…
Suzanne, Buster, Rose, and Quincy