Karen Andrews

This Hall of Fame Inductee has been a member of NYPEA and PHBA since 1990. She started as a general member and awesome show Mom. Most of her duties included keeping the groom in line, no easy feat. She has, and continues, to server NYPEA in numerous positions. She started out as a youth advisor with Dad back in 1993-1995. I remember those days well. I was the youth president in 1993 and 94 as well as the Youth Queen in 1991 – 1994. In 2002 she was 3rd Vice President, in 2003 2nd Vice President, in 2004 1st Vice President and President in 2005-2006. She also has served as the Amateur Association President. She tacked the position of Show Secretary for a few years in Horse Heads, Fonda and Parish. She revamped and updated the NYPEA bylaws in 2000 and again in 2006, created a web site in 2004 and still maintains it today. She created a new NYPEA logo and published the NYPEA booklet many times, printed the programs for the year end banquets; engrave year end awards through their business Breez Teaz and currently serves as the NYPEA Secretary.
She became a national director in 1992 and has been one since. She was nominated to the Web Computer Committee in 2000 and serves as committee chair, and assists PHBA with their computer system and website when needed. (She also acts as the secretary for the Finance and Registration/Transfer committees and most recently Bylaws and General Rules Committee.) Her desire to help advance and benefit NYPEA and PHBA in these difficult times lead her to interview for the Executive Board of PHBA . She was asked to become a member of the PHBA Executive Board in 2010 as Secretary and asked to continue in 2011.
After doing all this she has also been in the ring and has been showing. For 2009 she was the Reserve Hi-Pt Yearling Mare with Lenas Shear Luck and has done some Novice Amateur Showmanship. She has selflessly given of herself to ensure the clubs continued success, and has served the breed well. For the time and dedication to NYPEA, PHBA and as an exhibitor, (And being an awesome mom and grandmother) for over 20 years, Karen Andrews is being inducted into the NYPEA Hall of Fame in 2010.